Self-paced learning courses + some courses I registered in school - Coursicle | Plan your schedule and get into classes
Scratchapixel 3.0, Learn Computer Graphics Programming
Deep Learning With PyTorch - Full Course - YouTube + Welcome to PyTorch Tutorials
stas00/ml-engineering: Machine Learning Engineering Open Book
focus on https://github.com/stas00/ml-engineering/tree/master/training/model-parallelism
AI Summer | Learn Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
STOR 612: Foundations of Optimization | Quoc Tran-Dinh's Homepage
CS231A: Computer Vision, From 3D Reconstruction to Recognition
Stanford University CS231n: Deep Learning for Computer Vision + 【子豪兄】精讲CS231N斯坦福计算机视觉公开课
CS224W | Home + 斯坦福CS224W图机器学习、图神经网络、知识图谱【同济子豪兄
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, 2nd ed.
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
Scratchapixel 3.0, Learn Computer Graphics Programming
EE364a: Convex Optimization I + EE364b - Convex Optimization II
Virtual Humans -- Gerard Pons-Moll - YouTube
Machine Learning for Inverse Graphics – Scene Representation Group
课程安排 - 动手学深度学习课程 + Dive into Deep Learning Compiler — Dive into Deep Learning Compiler 0.1 documentation